Sunday, December 2, 2007

Kids,teenagers and youth of modern day singapore in Leo's point of view

For these point of views is purely emphazing on what only Leo has seen so far.

Kids, teenager and youth are getting more self-centred and always think that it is not thier fault when problem have arise. And some wouldn't even want to try to solve thier problems even problem comes slamming right into thier face. And why can't they just ask and clarify the stories on all sides of the matter and realise the truth. And feel sorry of what they have done that cause injust and even admit if thier wrong.

And i see such sights of younger ppl (mostly youth and teenagers) shouting at an elderly in pulic places when confronted on what they are doing. Are they really so notorius? Or just they think they have the rights to just shout at anybody. Or just that these youth and teenagers of modern day singapore just dun respect anyone but only themselves? Are they even sorry that when they did anything wrong? These are the questions that really puzzles me. Or they think that they have the knowledge and not any ppl can judge or critise what they are doing.

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